$55.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Danger School - 1 Year Access (Payment Plan)

Danger School Online Course (1 year access) includes access to Danger School for 1 full year.

This course includes:

  • Challenges
  • 31 Danger School Lessons
  • Membership Site
  • Q+A Support in Facebook Group with all Danger School alumni and Team Danger
  • Monthly Live Zoom Q+A and topical coaching calls
  • Guest coaches
  • Access to Meet ups, social events, other fun surprises
  • Vision Board Masterclass

30 Day Money Back Guarantee*

*We want you to feel 100% confident in your decision! If within 30 days you feel this program is not a good fit, you may be eligible to receive a full refund. Proof of completing assignments, attending calls, and finishing lessons is required.

What our clients have to say....

“In the two years since I joined Danger School I've been able to create enough income to leave my full time job, create a schedule that supports my values and my life/family (I work four days a week!), and build a full practice with a consistent waiting list. I'm able to do it all from a place of grounded alignment with my values and boundaries. Danger School really helped me create a solid foundation for the life and business I was dreaming of!”
- Rose

"The biggest thing for me during Danger School is I learned a lot of really great marketing strategies, and changed a lot of things & tweaked a lot of things in my business. It was also learning to trust myself quite a bit more, and knowing that I have built the skills needed to get here."
- Annie

"The support is really amazing, the content itself is incredible too! I mean, as just like a baseline, I would pay the amount for just the content alone, and then on top of that, you get these added levels of value because of how personal it is and the mentorship too.”
- Rachel 

“When I started Danger School I only had one 1:1 client and was earning $197 a month. At the end of Danger School, I tripled my rates and signed TWO 1:1 clients for $2500 for a 3 month package.” - Jillian

"I feel like the community has been the biggest driver for me to move forward. I have never felt so welcomed by a creative community." - Candice